This afternoon's ride:
27.2 milesOut and back to San Jose (yes, I knew the way)
Mostly clear, 57 degrees, a bit of wind
No excuses today. Dry roads. Sunshine... at least for the first half of the ride.
The instant the sun went down, the temperature dropped. It's always surprising how fast it gets cold when the sun drops below the western horizon. There must be some psychology behind it. No more sun... it's getting dark... and, wow, feel how cold it's getting and how quickly.
If there were the same drop in temperature with the sun still shining, I don't think it would feel so cold so fast. We have a wind chill factor... the wind makes it feel colder. Maybe we ought to have a sun warmth factor... the sun makes it feel six degrees warmer than it actually is, or some such thing.
There is certainly a sun-warmth factor in the middle of summer in Arizona. There is a big difference between working in the blazing sun compared to working in the shade – even if the air temperature is exactly the same in both places.
It was a pleasant ride today, but rather uneventful. Uneventful is usually a good thing when riding a bike.
I did have a herd of 40 or 50 cows watch me as I road by their pasture. I think, without exception, every cow was looking at me. I actually felt kind of special for some strange reason.
Have a good ride.